What is SEO Content?

From an SEO perspective, every piece of information can be considered content. Text, Video, Images, and Audio, or any combination of them can be technically considered as "Content".

Users want to consume different combinations of those formats, depending on their specific device, intention, interest, personal preferences, and time available. Content is any information that lives on the web and can be consumed without a login.

From a search engine perspective, text (HTML) is the most accessible content to understand. It can be quickly read and understood and is cheap to obtain, render, and store.

However, Google understands that users want to see not just text but all formats. Because of this, they tend to promote content in all formats -not just text- even if they need help understanding that content as well as text. With some extra effort, we can help search engines also to understand what our videos, audios, and images are related to, so they can consider that into account to prioritize and show our website to users.

"SEO Content" isn't a specific set of rules that should be followed at all costs but a framework that helps better understand what users need and create exactly what they want.

Content Variety

Users have diverse preferences when it comes to consuming information. Some prefer reading articles, while others enjoy watching videos, listening to podcasts, or viewing images. SEO professionals should cater to these preferences by creating content in various formats.

User-Centric Approach

SEO content should always prioritize the needs and interests of users. Understanding user intent is crucial in crafting content that fulfills their queries and requirements.

Search Engine Understanding

While text content is the easiest for search engines like Google to understand and index, they are increasingly improving their ability to comprehend and rank content in other formats, such as images and videos. Optimizing these non-textual elements is vital to appear in search results across different content types.

Multimodal Optimization

SEO professionals can optimize various content types by providing context and metadata, for example, using descriptive alt text for images, transcripts for videos and audio, and captions or annotations where applicable.

User Experience Matters

Creating a seamless and enjoyable user experience across all content formats is essential. This includes optimizing for mobile devices, improving page load times, and ensuring accessibility for all users, including those with disabilities.

Quality Over Quantity

Regardless of content type, quality should always be a priority. Valuable, well-researched, and engaging content performs better in search results and resonates with users.

SEO content should align with user preferences, provide valuable information, and be presented user-friendly across different formats. Understanding that SEO is not a fixed set of rules but an adaptable framework allows SEO professionals to stay agile and meet the ever-changing needs of both users and search engines.