SEO: index/noindex, Allow/Disallow, or the difference between crawling and indexing

Today, let's dive into the intricacies of SEO and unravel the enigma of "index/noindex" and "Allow/Disallow." Buckle up, because we're about to embark on an adventure through the digital jungle!

Indexing (Index/NoIndex): The Visibility Dilemma

Picture this: Your website is a treasure trove of information, and Google is the treasure hunter. But, it would be best to decide which chests Google can open and which should remain locked. That's where "Index" and "Noindex" come into play.

Index: You're the generous host, inviting Google to showcase your page in search results. "Hey, world, come and see what I've got!"

Noindex: You're the secretive magician, making your page disappear from search results. "Abracadabra, Google, you shall not see this!". Or "fuck off" if you are not a Tolkien fan.

Here's the million-dollar question: How do you decide which pages to showcase and which to hide? It's like choosing between Batman and Superman for your next superhero movie—both have their merits.

🚫 Crawling (Allow/Disallow): The Web Detective

Imagine Google as Sherlock Holmes, sleuthing through the vast web, collecting clues from various pages. But you can tell Sherlock where he can and can't investigate.

Allow: You're an open book, allowing Google to follow your links and gather intel about your pages. "Sure, Sherlock, explore away!"

Disallow: You're the gatekeeper, locking particular doors and saying, "No entry, Sherlock!"

But here's where it gets interesting: You have to be careful not to be too restrictive. If you're too stingy with your "Disallow," you might inadvertently limit Google's exploration. And you would want Sherlock to take advantage of all crucial clues, right?

🎯 The Peculiarities: EEAT and Sitemap Shenanigans

Now, let's talk about the quirks in this SEO carnival. One of the big elephants in the room is EEAT—Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness. It's like Google's secret recipe for ranking content.

Google plays detective, too, evaluating your site's quality. If you hide pages like your legal notices or privacy policy with a "Noindex," you might shoot yourself in the foot. Google might trust you less, and that could impact your rankings.

But wait, there's more! Sometimes, you have a page you don't want Google to track in your sitemap. It's like telling Google, "Don't read this, but go ahead and show it to the world."

"WTF?" Google's virtual eyebrow raises in confusion. It's like trying to explain the plot of a David Lynch movie—it doesn't quite add up.

So, there you have it, the SEO conundrum of "index/noindex" and "Allow/Disallow." It's like navigating a maze, where every turn could lead to treasure or treachery. Remember, your choices can influence how Google perceives your website. So, decide wisely, my fellow digital adventurers! 🌐💡