How You Measure SEO Success

SEO isn't just about calculating ROI. It's about the profound impact it can have on your business profits. So, let's dive into some simple yet profound truths about why SEO matters beyond the confines of traditional ROI calculations.

1. Reach Your Audience Without Paying Per Click

One of the fundamental reasons behind investing in SEO is that it allows you to connect with potential customers as they enter the market to make a purchase. Unlike PPC advertising, the beauty is that you don't have to pay for each click.

2. It's Not Just About the Top 3 Positions

Debunking a common misconception, SEO is about more than just snagging the top 3 positions on page one of search results. In fact, it's a multi-dimensional strategy that plays a crucial role in your overall marketing mix. Here's why:

3. Breaking Through Plateaus

If you've hit a plateau in performance, perhaps spending a significant amount on paid search, SEO can help you break through the stagnation. To continue growing, you must explore other marketing channels, such as advertising, publicity, and organic search. This is where many businesses find themselves—trapped in a cycle of overinvestment in paid search.

4. Page 1 Rankings are Still Valuable

Despite the evolving landscape where page 1 is changing, and infinite scroll has its influence, having higher rankings for buyer intent terms is still incredibly valuable. Why? Because it allows you to reduce your reliance on paid search and reach prospects who actively avoid clicking on paid ads.

5. Driving Greater Business Profit

The ultimate goal of SEO is to drive more significant business profit. You can channel your resources and marketing budgets into sustainable growth by reaching more potential buyers and reducing dependence on paid search.

6. The Dependency Trap

Relying solely on paid search can be risky. While it has merits, becoming overly dependent on it could hinder your business's long-term growth potential. SEO can provide the diversification your marketing strategy needs.

7. The Simple Business Case for SEO

The logic behind investing in SEO is straightforward: you want your business to be in front of potential buyers as they step into the market. Moreover, you aim to reduce your reliance on paid search, which should, in turn, boost profits.

8. Essential Questions for Your Marketing Team

If you're a business owner, it's crucial to ask your marketing team some essential questions:

  1. What's the plan to reduce our dependence on paid search?
  2. How are we expanding our reach to potential buyers?
  3. Why aren't we investing in organic search?

Answers to these questions may vary, but it's essential to address them. Budget constraints and inherited marketing conditions might be contributing factors. However, focusing solely on ROI tracking from different channels might lead you wrong.

9. The Absurdity of Measuring SEO Through GA4

Measuring SEO effectiveness through GA4 (Google Analytics 4) might seem absurd because it needs to capture the complete picture. SEO isn't just about metrics but the long-term impact on business profits. You monitor its performance through rank tracking, share of search, and various other analytics.

As an industry, it's crucial to recognize the actual value of SEO and not undersell it. SEO is a multifaceted strategy with profound implications for business growth and profitability. It's time to shift the focus from immediate ROI to the broader, long-term benefits it provides.