Is Clicking your own search Results a Smart SEO Move?

Have you ever wondered what happens if you click on your own search results to signal Google the quality of your website, thus moving your website up the rankings? Well, you're not alone. This urban legend has been floating around the web for a while, and today, we're going to dissect it with a surgeon's precision, adding a dash of humor, a sprinkle of insights from various fields, and a pinch of skepticism. So, should you start tapping your own links like a maniac? Let's find out.

The Myth Debunked

Alright, let's call it as it is – boosting your SEO by clicking your own results is more of a digital myth than a proven strategy. But, hey, it's not entirely bonkers. Let's break it down.

The Autocomplete Trick:

Once upon a time, in the wild west of SEO, folks (like, ejem, myself) would hire services to execute a crafty scheme. They'd search for something on Google, and then click on a specific result with specific keywords. The goal? To make those keywords pop up in Google's autocomplete feature.

Question to Ponder: Could manipulating autocomplete still be possible?

The Brand Traffic Advantage:

So, here's the twist – when those keywords started showing up in autocomplete, they often included brand names. Think "apartment rental CLIENT NAME." Naturally, this brand traffic would skyrocket to the top of the rankings. After all, if Google suggests it, it must be good, right?

Question to Ponder: Does brand traffic give your site a free ride to the top, thanks to Google's autocomplete?

Google's Perspective:

Now, let's put on our thinking caps from Google's perspective. If a user searches for something and consistently clicks on a result, it's a signal that the result is satisfactory for that particular query. That makes sense, right?

Question to Ponder: Is Google secretly applauding when you click your own links, giving you brownie points?

Spam Alert:

Hold your horses; there's a catch. SEO experts quickly realized they could spam this technique. They'd click their own results like it's going out of style. But alas, Google is no fool. It recognizes spammy behavior from a mile away.

Question to Ponder: Can you trick Google into thinking you're super popular just by clicking links?

The Numbers Game:

Let's do some quick math. If you get thousands of people to engage in this click-fest, could it move the needle? Sure, but here's the kicker – the cost of organizing such a click party might drain your budget faster than a thirsty marathon runner at an all-you-can-drink sports drink stand.

Question to Ponder: Is it worth emptying your wallet to manipulate your rankings through clicks?

So, Is It Worth It?

Ultimately, the verdict is clear, even with sarcasm and a chuckle. Clicking on your own results isn't a game-changer. Sure, it might have a microscopic impact, but it's like trying to fill an Olympic swimming pool with a teaspoon.


  1. SEO is a complex dance between you, your content, and the almighty Google algorithm.
  2. Organic, authentic engagement and quality content remain SEO's true kings and queens.
  3. If it sounds too good to be true, like clicking your way to the top, it probably is.

Remember, SEO is a long game. It's about building trust, authority, and a genuine connection with your audience. So, instead of tapping your links endlessly, invest your time and resources in creating valuable content that people want to engage with. That's the real secret to SEO success.