About the recent reveal of Google using Clicks data

This should show why it's fundamental in SEO to have some balanced critical thinking and be willing to test/validate beyond what Google documentation or spokespeople confirm instead of mindlessly following it. Ultimately, they will always say/do what they think protects their business. I remember that when I started SEO, a time in which almost nothing was confirmed, and there was far less Google documentation for SEOs, proactiveness to test/validate, and being wary of motivations behind specific claims was the "standard."

I saw that slowly decline with the increase of official documentation and communication and much more open sharing with the community. A "healthy" balance is always needed: it doesn't make sense/not worth questioning every little thing. But being open/proactive to assess opportunities based on what you see works, identify patterns, etc., especially if something aligned with what you know should be ultimately rewarded beyond SEO -and suitable for biz and users- will make you ahead of the rest. So, especially if you're starting in SEO, Don't fall into the trap of thinking that it's not true just because it hasn't been confirmed. Be proactive, test yourself, and apply critical thinking. This is how, historically, SEO as a profession came to be in the first place.

1. Critical Thinking in SEO: Critical thinking is a fundamental skill for SEO professionals. While official documentation and statements from search engines can provide valuable guidance, it's essential to approach them with a critical eye. Questioning, testing, and validating assumptions are crucial to staying ahead in the field.

2. Adaptability: The SEO landscape is constantly evolving. What works today may not work tomorrow, and what is valid for one website or industry may not apply to another. Being open to adapting and changing your strategies based on evidence and results is vital.

3. Proactiveness and testing: Proactive SEO professionals are often the ones who make breakthroughs. Testing different strategies and being willing to take calculated risks can lead to discovering new approaches that benefit your business and users.

4. Community Collaboration: The SEO community plays a significant role in sharing knowledge and insights. Engaging with peers, attending conferences, and participating in online forums can provide valuable perspectives and help you stay informed about the latest trends and strategies.

5. Balancing Act: Striking a balance between skepticism and trust in official documentation is key. Only some advice or guidelines may apply to your unique situation, so it's vital to assess what works for your specific website and audience.

6. SEO's Historical Roots: Reflecting on the history of SEO reminds us that the profession was built on experimentation and innovation. SEO professionals have always been pioneers in adapting to changes in the digital landscape.

In summary, SEO is a dynamic field that requires knowledge, critical thinking, adaptability, and a willingness to test and experiment. Embracing these principles, especially for those starting in SEO, can lead to a successful and fulfilling career in this ever-evolving industry.